A grassroots creative writing program initiated by writers currently incarcerated at the Old Colony Correctional Center in Bridgewater, Massachusetts.
In the words of the group’s members:
We are working alongside a team of skilled editors from our communities outside the wall to cultivate opportunities that support members to refine our natural talent, and that prepare us to publish original works of writing. We believe that dedicating space and time to nurture our connection with creativity is one of the best ways to help us unleash our potential, while also deepening our strategies to cope with the persistent trauma of incarceration. We believe in the importance of self-expression and in supporting fellow community members in thinking about how to grow our collective wellness. We are YESTERDAY’S FUTURE.
We are developing a collaborative and iterative pilot process which involves weekly creative writing clinics; in-depth, one-on-one feedback from professional editors; in-person workshops facilitated by writers & literary teachers; and submitting original works to be considered for publication.
YESTERDAY’S FUTURE is organized by Tanzerious Anderson (Writing Group Coordinator & Member) and Shana Turner (Editing Team Coordinator & Logistics Manager), with input from group members.
"The project is not controlled by the Department of Corrections. It is born of our free will & ability to imagine measures of freedom into reality."
You're Invited to Support By:
◈Contributing writing workshop lessons and frameworks.
◈Supporting with specific story-related research assistance (group members don't have Internet access.)
◈Applying to become a part of the Editing Team, which includes being trained on the project’s methodology for providing generative and constructive feedback.
◈Facilitating in-person writing-related workshops at the Old Colony Correctional Center in Bridgewater, Massachusetts.
◈Helping to identify fitting journals, magazines, publishing houses and other platforms for group members to submit finished works for consideration to be published.
◈The total budget of $41,500 for the nine-month pilot covers process design, logistics coordination and materials costs, editors’ fees, curriculum materials, and copying fees. (Approximately $5,200 per group member.) If you are able and willing, please click here to make a contribution.
If you are interested in becoming involved, please email: info@communitysolstice.com
About the Organizers
Tanzerious Anderson
Writing Group Coordinator & Member
Tanzerious Anderson is a Black Muslim father, husband, and son of Cape Verdean descent. He is a writer, yoga practitioner, organizer, mentor, and facilitator who works with fellow incarcerated people to address ways in which systems of racial and class oppression, patriarchy, and the carceral state dehumanize people.
In the fall of 1999, Tanzerious was enrolled as a freshman at Northeastern University, receiving a 5-year tuition grant through Northeastern's "Ticket to Success" scholarship program. An article profiling his freshman year summed up his hectic schedule that fall: up early to help get his son ready for daycare, then catching a bus from Dorchester, to Northeastern University where he took classes all morning. He then worked for several hours in the afternoon, would spend evenings caring for his son, followed by late-night study sessions at the Snell Library. He also spent one weekend a month receiving training in accounting and as a part of his scholarship provided tutoring mentorship twice a week for high school students. By the spring of his freshman year, he had been accepted into the Carpenter’s Apprenticeship Program with Local 67, and he was waiting for the results of his fireman exam. His life was abruptly interrupted when he was arrested and charged with murder and sentenced to life without parole. In January 2024, the law changed in Massachusetts and he is now eligible for parole and currently awaiting his hearing. Since the beginning of his sentence, Tanzerious has worked to be a positive and restorative justice-minded member of the community.
Tanzerious currently works full-time as a Certified Peer Specialist, providing care and mentorship for individuals in need of mental health support. He serves as the Senior Facilitator to the Alternative to Violence Project, as Chairman of Mending Souls (a peer support recovery group), as Liaison of both the Prison Yoga Project and also the Read to Me Father’s Literacy Program and Parenting Group for Incarcerated Fathers. He is an Inner Circle Keeper for restorative justice processes to address conflict among prisoners and to bring together people who are currently incarcerated with community members from outside the wall; some of whom have experienced violent harm and some of whom have inflicted violent harm. Tanzerious was selected to represent OCC as a part of the Massachusetts Commission of Legislators to speak on racial inequities within the prison industrial complex. He has organized Black studies and cultural programming, and has led campaigns to improve visiting conditions within prisons, and is involved in state and nation-wide efforts to raise the juvenile age to twenty-one years old. Tanzerious is the founder and lead organizer of YESTERDAY’S FUTURE. In the more than twenty years since he's served as a leader while incarcerated, Tanzerious has worked alongside his co-defendant to overturn their conviction and inhumane sentence, and free themselves.
To contact Tanzerious directly, send a letter to:
Tanzerious Anderson #W80114
1 Admin Road, Bridgewater, MA 02324
Shana Turner
Editing Team Coordinator & Logistics Manager
Shana Turner works with groups to steward processes that map ways toward collective visions. She is a writer, grassroots literary instructor, and community builder with twenty years of experience with justice organizing, organizational infrastructure development, participatory planning and evaluation, creative writing projects, and collective learning through popular education.
About the Collaboration:
Tanzerious and Shana have known each other since childhood and are each other's chosen family. The two have supported and witnessed each other through good times and hardships. Please visit the true narrative of Tanzerious' arrest, conviction, and sentencing.
Community Writing Projects